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Title : Construisons des ponts plutôt que des murs
Description : Propose une forme de tourisme alternatif qui met en relief la rencontre et l'échange. Une opportunité à l'implication des populations locales
07 bis, rue Martinot
13 400 Aubagne
Tel : 06 71 11 72 97
Email : martine.bezert[at] |
I am from the backwoods of North Eastern Kentucky where they have a blue collared, hardworking approach to life. Daydreaming & Art making were not really encouraged as a career choice, but I am who I am, and that my friends is a Gypsy! A nomad in love with distant and uncharted place… is wandering the World in search of new experiences and connections. |
Représentant AINA MADAGASCAR à Toulouse – France
16 AV de la Lande
Email: bernard.jeuniau[at] |
Unser Projekt wird im Juli 2011 mit der Fahrt nach Madagaskar beginnen. Zwei Monate lang werden wir mit Kindergruppen von der Strasse und aus Waisenhäusern kreieren, malen basteln, experimentieren und Geschichten ausdenken |
Tetezana Onlus |
Tetezana è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro nata nel 2006 su iniziativa di un gruppo di volontari italiani e malgasci: insieme siamo impegnati per promuovere la solidarietà, la giustizia e la pace fra i popoli. I nostri sforzi si traducono in attività di collaborazione e scambio tra i due paesi, Italia e Madagascar, per favorire iniziative di integrazione e realizzazione di progetti a carattere culturale e sociale. |
”Det finns inga vanliga människor.” Skriver om inre och yttre resor. Och en del annat. Till exempel om försoningsarbetet i Bosnien, kondomklänningar, kisskristaller, integrationsarbete, magra ostar, tröst, transtechno, social kompetens, ensamma mammor, vikten av att lyssna, feministiskt föräldraskap, hur killar socialiseras till män i pojkfotbollen. |
Our mission is to fight poverty through trade, practicing and promoting approaches to trade that help poor people in developing countries transform their lives. |
Linn Reiseblogg |
Utenfor Mosambik-kanalen ligger verdens fjerde største øy og lokker med kilometervis av hvite sandstrender, unike nasjonalparker og noen av verdens merkeligste dyrearter. |
Vi arbetar för att ta fram den sanna bilden om Madagaskar, folket och kulturen. Madagaskar är en utav de finaste platserna på planet, men det finns mer där till. Vi är tre elever på Medieinstitutet i Stockholm som arbetar med detta som terminsprojekt. Sidan och arbetet kommer att fortlöpa även efter avslutade studier. |
Mario Randriamihajarivo |
Graphiste, webdesigner et référenceur de sites webdesigner totalement autodidacte travaillant en full CSS et référenceur naturel Création de logos/bannières et optimisation de la taille d'une page dans le respect des normes W3C. |
le pot éthique et un café associatif créatif et récréatif. Proposant des animations : concerts, conférences, rencontres d'artiste, scène ouverte etc… Une petite restauration qui permet de découvrir les produits BIO de notre terroir et également un coin de presse pour s'informer et échanger. |
Positive Impact, Positive Return on Investment. Accountability Now helps define solutions that will use your time and resources to the greatest effect – for your organization and for the world we live in. |
One World 365 is a directory of meaningful travel opportunities featuring organisations, volunteering, work, adventure trips & tours worldwide |
Our mission is to fight slavery using fair trade as the platform. Focusing on the poor in developing countries we help individuals and families create healthy, prosperous communities where equality and justice can be found. |
Value Added Africa |
Value Added in Africa is a fair trade organization set up with the aim of reducing poverty in Africa through ethical trade with Ireland & the UK. We source value added finished products in Africa with the aim of introducing them to the Irish & UK markets. These products are sourced, developed and packaged by African producers |
Lynne Tapper |
Lynne Tapper has always been a storyteller. She spent 11 years as an Early Childhood Educator in Vancouver, working with young inner-city children and using storytelling to entertain them and promote learning |
Imba, The African Children’s choir |
imba will bring together the playfulness and bittersweet beauty of childhood in a cinematic adventure through North America via the lens of Moses and Angel, two African children on a journey that will change the course of their lives forever. Their experience is documented as they perform in venues across the country, acting as the ambassadors for Africa's most vulnerable children. |
Madagascar, Other places travel guide |
Over the past several years, the authors, Maya Moore and Sara LeHoullier have investigated every corner of this stunningly diverse island, immersing themselves in the language and culture, and discovering new adventures to share with fellow travelers. This guide provides practical advice, detailed maps, and firsthand knowledge to help explorers navigate both on and off the beaten path. |
Terre D'Ylang Déco |
 | Boutique en ligne de Décoration Ethnique et Exotique. L’Afrique, L’inde, L’Orient, L’Asie et les destinations exotiques sont les sources d’inspiration |
Lydia Nightingale |
I am a progressive person who will listen to everyone’s opinion and willing to change mine. I do volunteering work, study nursing, party and paint a lot. My dream is helping people through my job and interest. I really want to join Doctors Without Borders when I graduate |
Planet volunteer |
PLANET VOLUNTEER aims to remove all barriers to access projects and opportunities for volunteering abroad, offering a comprehensive range of projects and volunteering opportunities through comparable search criteria for various activities in all sectors world-wide and for all budgets. |
Sustain of Africa |
Sustain our Africa will create the platform for lively debate and problem solving by accessing the most highly specialized and passionate professionals across all fields of the sustainability landscape. Uniting on one platform is to identify and address the complex issues facing South Africa and Africa as a whole. |
Volunteer Forever |
Helping volunteers find & fund their volunteer abroad trips! Search our program reviews and raise funds for your trip using our crowd funding platform |
AIESEC Switzerland |
AIESEC, the world’s largest student-run organisation, has over 64 years of experience in developing high-potential students into globally-minded responsible leaders in partnership with business and higher education. AIESEC’s innovative educational program consists of unmatched leadership experiences and global internships. |
Global Help Swap |
globalhelpswap helps volunteers and those in need of a helping hand search for and find each other! Just like cupid |
Jungle Jenny |
Her passion is art, animals, nature, photography, education, kids and new media. Humanitarian, Photographer, Jungle Journalist, Social & Interactive Media Host and Protector of the Earth |
Hald Internasjonale Senter |
Hald Internasjonale Senter er en fagskole i tverrkulturell forståelse og internasjonalt arbeid med fokus på bistand, misjon og ledelse. Laget, NMS og Strømmestiftelsen utveksler ungdom i alderen 18 til 25 år gjennom programmene Focus, Connect og Act Now. Gjennom undervisning og praktisk erfaring fra Hald Internasjonale Senter står en godt rustet til et langt uteopphold i Afrika, Sør-Amerika eller Asia. |
Africa Good News |
Africa, often seen by observers as a single country, has a complicated history, is difficult to understand, and therefore, often completely misunderstood. This website presents Africa positively, without ignoring her challenges. It is about hope and the new winds of change that are gusting over her nations and the growing opportunity in arguably the most ethnically diverse, biologically rich, scenically beautiful continent in the world! |
Sourires Nomades. L’Homme au cœur du voyage |
Rencontre entre voyageurs et associations, Sourires Nomades a pour vocation de former une communauté de voyageurs partageant un esprit du voyage basé sur les valeurs humaines de rencontre, d’échange et de solidarité. Le site souhaite également promouvoir et soutenir les associations qui interviennent dans le monde. Et enfin, nous espérons créer des interactions entre voyageurs et associations pour concrétiser des initiatives ou projets communs. |
Kiva |
We are a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world |
Idealist |
Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. Idealist is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. We would like to live in a world where: all people can lead free and dignified lives; every person who wants to help another has the ability to do so; no opportunities for action or collaboration are missed or wasted. |
Afrika grupperna |
Afrikagrupperna är en partipolitiskt och religiöst oberoende medlemsorganisation som stödjer det civila samhället i Angola, Moçambique, Namibia, Sydafrika och Zimbabwe. Tillsammans med våra samarbetsorganisationer i södra Afrika arbetar vi med frågor som rör jämställdhet, demokrati, hiv/aids och försörjning. Vi arbetar även med politisk påverkan i Sverige för ett fritt Västsahara. |
Comhlámh |
Established in 1975, Comhlámh is the Irish Association of Development Workers and Volunteers. We believe in partnership and solidarity with the Global South; in justice, equality and empowerment. We advocate for active citizenship and critical engagement, challenging perspectives in a spirit of partnership that respects and promotes diversity and inter-culturalism. Our underlying principles include accountability, promoting sustainable development, and respect for human rights. |
Leap Local |
Despite the enormous amount of money people spend travelling to developing countries, many local communities struggle to earn a living. This is because sometimes as much as 90% of money spent travelling to a lesser developed country comes back to Western countries. Travelers tend to choose the big tour company instead of the local guide because they find it difficult to know how to judge the abilities of Locals. Yet some of the most beautiful and intriguing places on earth are also inhabited by poorer communities. This is where Leap comes in. |
SVC Student Volunteer Connections |
As Canada's first & only incorporated student volunteer centre, Student Volunteer Connections works to ignite, educate, & foster University of Guelph students through the world of volunteerism. Student Volunteer Connections strives to promote positive social action for the purpose of building skills, passions, and most of all, community. |
Mision gaia |
Misión Gaia, is an independent non-profit organization whose main purpose is to develop educational, social and productive activities, that support a sustainable environment. We work to improve people's living standards in rural communities, we strive to preserve natural resources for future generations in the Caribbean Region of Colombia and the amazing Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. |
Global Nomadic |
We offer a unique & exclusive selection of hand-picked projects- valuable and worthwhile opportunities worldwide. Our mission is to provide career-enhancing opportunities, allowing you to get the experience you need to get paid to do what you aspire for. We promote a wide range of serious and affordable volunteer projects and internship opportunities. We put you directly in touch with the project provider without adding any commission to the price of the projec |
Energize, Inc. - Volunteer Management Resources |
Energizing leaders of volunteers with tools and wisdom to ensure every ounce of volunteer effort makes a difference. Energize empowers and inspires leaders of volunteers worldwide. Our specialty is creating and selecting the most relevant, innovative resources in volunteer management. We’re advocates for the power of volunteers and for the recognition of the leaders who unleash it |
Vous trouverez sur ce site de nombreux articles concernant Nosy Komba, sa nature, son peuple, des conseils pratiques, une présentation des prestataires ainsi que des avis de voyageurs. Que ce soit dans le but de préparer votre voyage, par hasard ou curiosité, nous espérons que la visite de ce site internet vous donnera l'envie de venir découvrir cette île. |
Girl about the Globe |
The ultimate guide to solo travel for the conscious traveler with everything you need to travel smarter, independently and ethically. Use for pre-planning your trip, for tips and inspiration when you're abroad or for something that little bit different. |
Voyages sur Mesure Kenya |
Venez découvrir le Kenya, un pays époustouflant de par sa diversité : de grands espaces peuplés d’une faune sauvage, une culture ancestrale préservée, un pays propice à l’aventure. |
True Travellers Society |
A community sharing information about no or low fee volunteer and meaningful travel opportunities around the world. Our organization is a network of individuals that share information about no or minimal fee meaningful travel and volunteer travel opportunities around the globe. These opportunities can include anything from volunteering at an orphanage, to a festival; to wildlife conservation to you name it. |
Get |
Looking for volunteers? Trying to find the right organization that needs your skills and expertise? Check out Get - a lively networking community for individuals and organizations to connect and make a difference. As well, is a great resource with relevant blogs and over 100 videos profiling inspiring individuals who are changing our world. A great way to find an organization to complete your 40 hours, boost your resume, try a new career, or just to make you feel great about changing the world. |